Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trash to Treasure Thursday ~ ~ Island Paradise

This is truly someone else's trash that is now my treasure!  A junkin' friend of mine was driving down the road and found a table in a trash pile on someones curb.  It was literally in pieces!  I gladly brought this bad boy home.  I knew that with a little work, a coat of paint and some distressing, it would be a perfect island in my kitchen.  

The underneath side of the table top.

I forgot to take pictures of the previous base, but it was beyond repair.  Trust me!  So my hubby, Handy-Dandy Rob (HDR), constructed a new table base and attached the legs to it. You can't really tell in this picture, but HDR rigged the legs to the base so that the "island" would be 33" tall.  

Beginning stages of distressing the base.  I used my son's metal baseball bat and began-a-beatin' on the new table base.  We had issues getting the table sturdy, so HDR used extra screws.  This was an okay thing, because the sides of the table will hide them.

(Please ignore the background junk!)

I love how the layers of paint show through!

Distressing details...

and more...

Love, love, LOVE my "new" kitchen island!

This project is not complete until I get a pretty rug to go underneath the island.  It may take me awhile to find the perfect one, and when I do I will let you know.  Until next time!

Bizzi B


  1. Good Job!!! It's Lovely, I love trash treasures!!

  2. i LOVE this!!! What an awesome job! I saw you on Miss Mustard Seed's blog. I want that table in my kitchen it looks so great!

  3. Great Blog and love the idea!!!

  4. I've seen Bizzi B's table and it is awesome!!!!

    I'm Lovin the Blog!!

  5. What a great salvage story. Your counter table looks great--what a wonderful use of an old table. :) Hugs, Kim

  6. That's a great use of a salvage table. I love the paint finish too.
